Proud to announce that the 3rd book of the KAZUCHIYO series, Lord of the East, is now available for sale, in digital and in print!
It’s here! You can now purchase your copy of book 1 in ebook or print from the following outlets:
If you’d like a print copy but can’t find a retailer in your region, please contact me and I’ll be happy to send you a copy directly.
It’s set up through Overdrive and Ingramspark as well, so you can request a copy from your local library!
And if you’ve been enjoying Kazuchiyo already, please consider leaving a review on one of the above sites or on GoodReads.
Thank you for your support!
Now available for pre-order on Amazon is KAZUCHIYO: Battle For Two Bridges, first in my samurai drama and romance series! Follow the story of young samurai Kazuchiyo, taken captive by the enemy clan that destroyed his family. He is confronted by magic and warfare, but also aided by two mysterious strangers, who will stir his heart and help him to change his fate.
The e-book is available for pre-order through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Google Books, Apple Books, and many more. At the moment the print version is only available for pre-order through Barnes & Noble, but distribution is growing! Tell your friends and make sure to sign up for my mailing list (or follow me on Twitter @Croikster) for updates!
Cover art is by Erion Makuo, make sure you check out her portfolio and Twitter, too!
Thank you for visiting my brand new website! Here you can find links to my currently available books, along with information about my upcoming projects. You can also follow the links to my Twitter and Insta where things are a bit more casual.
If you’re new to my work, right now I have two books out, both in the Bang! Bang! BOOM! series: volume 1 of the graphic novel as well as volume 1 of the prequel novel. Each can be purchased over on Boom’s official website www.bangbangboomcomic.com in print and ebook format, or in ebook format on Amazon, Kobo, Apple Books, and many other digital distributors. Both will be getting a volume 2 sometime in 2020!
Also in the wings is my next series, KAZUCHIYO, a samurai drama and romance with fantasy elements. I don’t have a solid release date yet but it should be available by the end of the year!
Enjoy your stay and keep in touch!
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